GCK Service Pack 16 Hot Fix 2 (v16.1.2.0)

Package Download Link: GCK Service Pack 16 Hot Fix 2

GCK Application Download Link: GCK Application v1.7.21   


  • OS: Windows 10 LTSC or Windows Server 2019.
  • If not currently running GCK SP14 or newer, please download and install the SP14 Prerequisites.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download and apply the GCK Service Pack 16 Hot Fix 1 package.  (Note:  Apply the package by copying the GCK_SP16_1_2_0.gcz to the C:\IED\Update directory.)
  2. Download and install the GCK Application (v1.7.21) from the link above.  (If you are already running GCK v16.1.1, then this step is not necessary.)

Support Files

GCK Release Notes-Full.txt